Lone Dance 4: The Darkness of the Body (Tokyo Scene 88)

Namiko Kawamura


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Lone Dance 4: The Darkness of the Body (Tokyo Scene 88)
Video ID number
Recording date
8 December 1988


TOKYO SCENE 88 featured four works between 8-11 December 1988, with the theme "pure collaboration between space and acoustic sound. Looking to the future of people and materials". This piece was a collaboration between Kawamura Namiko, who began her 'acts of perception' in 1974 at Kujukuri beach, walking nude in nature over 100 times which led to her performance piece 'Hitori Odori' from 1986, and Noguchi Minoru, who has worked with Tanaka Min and other dancers and artists to create pioneering electronic music.


Lone Dance 4: The Darkness of the Body (Tokyo Scene 88)
Performance creator(s)
Studio 200
Studio 200
Performance date(s)
8 December 1988
Performer(s) and staff
Performers: Namiko Kawamura, Electronic Music: Minoru Noguchi
Video: Hideya Muraoka
Produced and organized by Studio 200, Tokyo Scene Committee
Production Coordinator: Studio 200, Dancework-Sha


The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

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