Carmen Miranda – Homage to Kazuo Ohno

Antunes Filho


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Carmen Miranda – Homage to Kazuo Ohno
Video ID number
Recording date
March 2005


Dance theatre by Teatro Macunaíma, a leading contemporary theatre company based in São Paulo. Ever since admiring each others work at the Nancy International Theatre Festival in 1980, the director of Teatro Macunaíma Antunes Filho and Ohno Kazuo had a deep, lifelong friendship. This homage to Ohno Kazuo brings Ohno's work to light by way of Carmen Miranda, Brazil's most famous singer and film actress of the 20th century. Four dancers played the roles of Carmen as a girl, a young woman, a middle-aged woman, and an old woman. On 27 March, the final day of the performance, Ohno Kazuo appeared onstage in a wheelchair during the curtain call.

- Kazuo Ohno Festival Special Programme


Carmen Miranda – Homage to Kazuo Ohno
Performance creator(s)
Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio
Direction and Choreography: Antunes Filho
BankART Studio NYK
Performance date(s)
25 March 2005 - 27 March 2005
Performer(s) and staff
Performer: Arieta Corrêa, Juliana Galdino, Emilie Sugai, Paula Arruda
Technical Director: Beth Accioly
Stage Design: J.C. Serroni
Lighting Operation: Kazutoshi Sano
Production Coordinator: Ricardo Muniz Fernandes
Publicity Design: Young SOUL
Organiser: Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio, BankART1929


The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

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