Kuu (Emptiness)

Yoshito Ohno


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Kuu (Emptiness)
Video ID number
Recording date
27 October 2007


Premiere of Ohno Yoshito's solo work "Kuu" (Emptiness). The performance commemorated the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Japan Society, and was part of "Kazuo Ohno 101: Three-Week Butoh Parade" project. The performance begins with Yoshito standing turned away from the audience, presenting his back, which he cited as a distinctive characteristic of butoh. He then performs a number of short pieces, including one choreographed by Hijikata Tatsumi in 1985. Towards the end a video piece is shown - "Sehnsucht" (2007) by Tanaka Seiji (filmmaker, butoh dancer and Yoshito's student) - followed by a finale in which Yoshito performs with a hand puppet modelled after Ohno Kazuo. The performance took place on Ohno Kazuo's 101st birthday.


Kuu (Emptiness)
Performance creator(s)
Kazuo Ohno Dance Studio
Created by: Yoshito Ohno
Japan Society
Performance date(s)
27 October 2007
Performer(s) and staff
Butoh: Yoshito Ohno
Costume Designer: Etsuko Ohno
Lighting Designer: Toshio Mizohata
Sound Operator: Toshio Mizohata
Video Documentation and Editing: Hiroyoshi Takishima (PLASTIC RAINS)
Staff: Tiziana Longo
Organiser: The Japan Society


The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

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