Villi Vesi (The Wild Water)

Anzu Furukawa


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Villi Vesi (The Wild Water)
Video ID number
Recording date
November 1998


Commissioned work for the Helsinki City Theatre Dance Company, for whom Furukawa Anzu also choreographed "The Rite of Spring" in 1994 and "KEPPI" in 1995. This work is inspired by Furukawa's various experiences with water, such as seeing the different colours of the Amazon River flowing without mixing, the image of women in Africa collecting morning dew in jars, and the frozen sea off the coast of Helsinki.

Act One: I. A Bored Man / II. Birth of a Heart / III. Listen to the sound of clapping with both hands, then what should be the sound of one hand? / IV. The Legend of Water
Act Two: I. Tabula Rasa / II. Fratres for 12 cellos / III. Cantus in memory of Benjamin Britten


Villi Vesi (The Wild Water)
Performance creator(s)
Anzu Furukawa
Choreographed by: Anzu Furukawa
Performance date(s)
12-14, 17-19, 23-25 November 1998
Performer(s) and staff
Dance: Kirsi Karlenius, Raisa Punkki, Riikka Korppi-Tommola, Ville Sormunen, Harri Kuorelahti, Kaisa Torkkel, Kai Lähdesmäki, Tove Wingren, Unto Nuora
Scenography and Costume Design: Anzu Furukawa
Scenography: Juhani Rytkölä
Costume Design: Ulla Aaltosen
Lighting Design: Vesa Ellilä
Sound Design: Jyrki Sandell


The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

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