
Anzu Furukawa


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Video ID number
Recording date
19 February 2000


Welcome to Anzu Furukawa's "L'Arrache-coeur"!

Before the performance, let's test ourselves. Just for fun!

1) Which five of the following do not have a heart?
A ginkgo tree / a tomato / a larva / an earthworm / a nightingale / Homo sapiens / a mackerel / a nautilus / a mushroom / an octopus / an elephant / a virus / a bee / Anzu

2) In October 1941, when the US-Japanese negotiations reached a deadlock, General Tojo Hideki said, "To withdraw from China or not - that is the heart of the matter".
My mother was 12 years old.
I was not yet born, of course.

On 5 February 1965, "Vietnam is the heart of liberalism", President Lyndon B. Johnson began bombing North Vietnam.
I was 12 years old.

In 1989, the Tiananmen Square massacre took place in China, and in Germany the Berlin Wall fell at the Brandenburg Gate.
My daughter was 12 years old.

What did the work look like when you were 12?

If you are 12 years old, I hope that when you are alone, your heartbeat reminds you of this performance.

(Furukawa Anzu's programme notes)

-Premiered at the Kuopio Dance Festival in 1997


Performance creator(s)
Anzu Furukawa
Choreography and Direction: Anzu Furukawa
Ballhouse Naunynstrasse
Performance date(s)
19 February 2000
Performer(s) and staff
Performer: Anzu Furukawa
Scenography: Anzu Furukawa, Hiromi Yokoo


The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

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