Le Grand Luminaire

Naomi Mutoh


The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

Le Grand Luminaire
Video ID number
Recording date
26 November 2016
Video length
55 min.


Towards technological shamanism - an exploration of new archaisms.
The acceleration and multiplication of information have changed our relationship with time and the great mysteries of existence.
The institutions of our societies seem incapable of embracing this phenomenon.
The mythological and archaic notion of shaman seems to offer us a suitable position to understand our new situation and ask these questions:
- What are our new totems?
- Where will the psychopomps go to look for lost souls?
- What are the new ecstasies?
- What are the enduring initiation and healing rituals?
The current situation, digital deluge, reactivates the archetypes of Butoh's origins - a phenomenon of shamanic resilience in the face of civilisation's accelerated metamorphosis.


Le Grand Luminaire
Performance creator(s)
Compagnie MEDULLA
Choreography: Naomi Mutoh
Le Cuvier
Performance date(s)
24 November 2016 - 25 November 2016
Performer(s) and staff
Dancer: Yumi Fujitani, Mai Ishiwata, Naomi Mutoh
Composer & Musicien: Laurent Paris
Choreographer: Naomi Mutoh
Artistic direction : Naomi Mutoh and Laurent Paris
Light Creation : Jean Pascal Pracht
Sound : Mathieu Dugrava
Lighting technicien : Juliette Mayer
Costume Creation and Scenography: Naomi Mutoh and Laurent Paris
Video and image: Frank Le Gaillard
Assistant direction: Gilles Baron
Administration: Laëtitia Faure
Co-production : CDC d’Aquitaine Le Cuvier-National Choreographic Developpement Center of Nouvelle Aquitaine, OARA- Nouvelle Aquitaine Regional Artistic Office, IDDAC- cultural agency of the Department of Gironde, Glob Théâtre
Organiser: Compagnie MEDULLA
Granted by : DRAC ALPC-Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs/Ministry of Culture Nouvelle Aquitaine for creation,
City of Bordeaux for artistic creation


The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

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