The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

- Video ID number
- V00170
- Recording date
- 27 February 1993
One of the four part 'Funeral Series' performed by Yoshitmoto Daisuke in the 1980s. This 'Bird Burial' was the final part of the series, following 'Wind Burial - Fern in the Wind', 'Cremation - Egg in the Fire' and 'Water Burial - Stone at the Bottom of the Water'. After performances in Poland and Switzerland, it was performed again later in Tokyo. Original concept: 'Stanislav de Gala Soshaku Kōfujin' [Madame de Stanislav de Gala Mastication].
On the flyer are word by Comte de Lautréamont: Gravedigger, it is beautiful to contemplate the ruins of the cities; but it is more beautiful to contemplate the ruins of humans!
- Daisuke Yoshimoto Butoh Dance
- Invited to the 3rd International Contemporary Festival in Lausanne, 1992
- Title
- Bird Woman’s Head (reproduction)
- Performance creator(s)
- Daisuke Yoshimoto
- Direction/Choreography
- Created by Daisuke Yoshimoto
- Venue
- Sogetsu Hall
- Performance date(s)
- 27 February 1993
- Performer(s) and staff
Performer: Daisuke Yoshimoto
Lighting Designer: Kunpei Niimura
Sound Designer: Shinsaku Sugihara
Stage Manager: Yoshihiro Aoki
Photographer: Tadashi Kurahashi
Graphic Designer: Hideo Machida
Video recording: Tsuyoshi Akizuki
Cooperation: Shu Uemura, The Act, Uni Workshop - Genre
- Butoh
The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.