The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

- Video ID number
- V00077
- Recording date
- 9 March 1976
1976 was an incredibly active year for Akira Kasai, who was awarded the 8th Dance Critic’s Association of Japan Award (1976) for this work, as well as 'Tsukuyomi Hiruko', 'For the Dance of the Holy Spirit as a Personal Ritual' and 'The Future of Matter'. In addition, he was selected by Miyabi Ichikawa for the Dancer's Award of Dance Work magazine for the work he achieved that year. The poet Minoru Yoshioka, who saw all four works, spoke of his experiences in 'The Messenger - A Poem of Drawings for Akira Kasai' published in the August 1977 issue of Shingeki.
- Title
- Tristan and Isolde
- Performance creator(s)
- Tenshi-Kan
- Direction/Choreography
- Created by: Akira Kasai
- Venue
- Kudan-kaikan Hall
- Performance date(s)
- 9 March 1976
- Performer(s) and staff
- Performers: Akira Kasai, Hisako Kasai, Hiroko Horiuchi
- Genre
- Butoh
The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.