Butoh of 21,000 Nautical Miles

Man Uno


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Butoh of 21,000 Nautical Miles
Video ID number
Recording date
5 September 1984


A 30m long railway track replicating the Manchuria Railway was built with sleepers and stones, and a boat designed for audience seating was towed over it. This was a work of remembrance, and included themes such as ghosts of former Japanese soldiers, brides wandering the tracks, a group dance of deranged young Indians from which emerges a golden Buddha, and other extraordinary and everyday representations, interwoven with images more related to Buddhist philosophy, as appears more in later work.

-This work was performed from 5-16 September. with 4 subtitles:
First Easterly Wind (5-7 September)
Westerly Wind of the day of the Buddha's death (8-10 September)
Southerly Wind of the Rainy Season (11-13 September)
Early Autumn Typhoon (14-16 September)"


Butoh of 21,000 Nautical Miles
Performance creator(s)
Created by Man Uno
Sagacho Exhibit Space
Performance date(s)
5 September 1984 - 16 September 1984
Performer(s) and staff
Performers: Man Uno, Budodan
Music Director: Shuichi Chino, Akihiro Ishiwatari, Tenchugumi
Stage Designer: Yasushi Ono
Stage Manager: Shinichi Fujimura
Lighting Designer: Tetsuo Kuwatani
Sound Designer: Katsuyuki Uno
Planned and produced by kitchen + Office HAVANA MOON
Co-organised by Sagacho Exhibit Space and Shinjuku Budoukan


The copyright for these images and videos belong to various owners according to each item, and may not be reproduced without prior permission.

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